The course will be delivered virtually over 3 weeks, with asynchronous and real-time discussions.
We are offering this course on the assessment of professionalism for healthcare educators as the issue of assessing professionalism is critically important in this age of accountability. Healthcare regulators are asking for specific details of how institutions are assessing and dealing with professionalism issues, both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
The aim of this course is to provide participants with an overview of the latest evidence of best practice in the literature regarding the assessment of professionalism and the development of professional identity in healthcare education.
The objectives are for the participants to
The activities in each week/module:
All 3 modules will be released on the first day of the course, with accompanying materials and resources (eg: readings, assignments, pre-recorded videos from tutors)
The activities in each week/module will vary according to the content.
A. Topics
B. Webinars
A. Topics
B. Webinars
A. Topics
B. Webinars
For every 5 registrations from an institution for one course, the 6th registrant receives a complimentary registration for the same course.
If you are from one of the countries listed on the UN list of Least Developed Countries, you are eligible for a 40% discount - CLICK HERE.
Please contact the course administrator at , to register. Please note that payments via Telegraphic Transfer and credit card transactions will incur an administrative tax fee.
HPAC does not make any income from these fees as they are levied by the respective service providers.